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2017-2019 英语四级真题翻译汇编(含答案)
四级翻译真题及答案(2017 年 年 12 月)
1. 泰山
泰山位于山东省西部。海拔 1500 余米,方圆约 400 平方公里。泰山不仅雄伟壮观,而且是一座历史文化名山,过去 3000 多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方。据记载,共有 72 位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文,艺术家也来此绘画。山上因此留下了许许多多的文物古迹。泰山如今已成为中国一处主要的旅游景点。
Located in western Shandong province, Mount Tai stands over 1500 meters above sea level and covers an area of about 400 square kilometers. It is a renowned mountain which is not only spectacular but also of historical and cultural significance. Pilgrims have been visiting Mount Tai for the last over 3000 years. In recorded history, 72 emperors once came here to make a tour. Mount Tai has seen many writers who have traveled here for inspiration to make poems and compositions. Artists also come here for painting. That explains why Mount Tai features numerous cultural relics and
historic sites. It has now become one of the leading tourist attractions in China. 【翻译讲解】
1、位于:be in;be located in;be situated in 2、泰山:Taishan Mountain 或者 Mount Tai. 3、朝拜:worship;也可以直接用 visit 来保证行文 4、帝王;emperor 5、灵感;inspiration 6、文物古迹;cultural relics 【拓展词汇】
inspiration 英 [ˌɪnspɪˈreɪʃən]
美 [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən]
n. 灵感;启发灵感的人(或事物);鼓舞人心的人(或事物);(突然想到的)好主意 Daphne"s performance will give a lot of inspiration to other women.
spectacular 英 [spɛkˈtækjʊlə]
美 [spɛkˈtækjələr]
n. 壮观的场面,精彩的表演 adj. 壮观的,壮丽的,令人惊叹的
They have revamped the business with spectacular success.
renowned 英 [rɪˈnaʊnd]
美 [rɪˈnaʊnd]
adj. 著名的;有声望的 numerous 英 [ˈnjuːmərəs]
美 [ˈnumərəs]
adj. 众多的;许多的;数不清的 I have made my position clear on numerous occasions.
2. 华山
华山位于华阴市,距西安 120 公里。华山是秦岭的一部分,秦岭不仅分隔陕南与陕北,也分隔华南与华北。与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同,华山过去很少有人光临,因为上山的道路极其危险。然而,希望长寿的人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多药草,特别是一些稀有的药草。自上世纪 90 年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。
Mount Hua is located in Huayin City (Shaanxi, China), 120 kilometers away from Xi"an. It is part of the Qin Mountains, which divide not only northern and southern
Shaanxi, but also south and north China. Unlike Mount Tai that used to be frequented by pilgrims, Mount Hua was not well visited by pilgrims as the roads up the mountain were extremely dangerous. Back then, however, those who wished to enjoy longevity ventured in Mount Hua quite a lot because numerous herbs, rare ones in particular, grew in the mountain. Since cable cars were installed in Mount Hua in the 1990s, the number of visitors has increased dramatically. 【翻译讲解】
1、“位于”,be in;be located in;be situated in 2、华山,Mount Hua,;Huashan Mountain。
3、离某地的距离,away from;from。
4、西安,Xi’an;Xi’An 5、秦岭,the Qinling Mountains;the Qin Mountains 6、陕南和陕北的翻译中,注意“陕西”的标准翻译是 Shaanxi而不是 Shanxi(山西) 7、“朝拜”;worship 8、“长寿”,longevity 【拓展词汇】
rare 英 [rɛə]
美 [rɛr]
adj. 稀罕的;珍贵的,极好的;半熟的
It"s rare to find an old building in Reykjavik.
particular 英 [pəˈtɪkjʊlə]
美 [pəˈtɪkjʊlə]
adj. 特别的,独有的;详细的;挑剔的 n. 详细说明;个别项目;特点 Are you looking for anything particular?
你在找什么特定的东西吗? numerous 英 [ˈnjuːmərəs]
美 [ˈnumərəs]
adj. 众多的;许多的;数不清的 Despite numerous attempts, I have been unable to find a job.
longevity 英 [lɒnˈdʒɛvɪtɪ]
美 [lɑnˈdʒɛvəti]
n. 长寿;寿命 Human longevity runs in families.
extremely 英 [ɪkˈstriːmlɪ]
美 [iks"tri:mli]
adv. 极端地,非常地,很
My mobile phone is extremely useful.
3. 黄山
Located in southern Anhui province in eastern China, Huangshan is known for its unique natural scenery, particularly sunrises and sea of clouds. To appreciate the magnificence of the mountain, you have to look upward in most cases; while to enjoy the fascinating landscape of Huangshan, you"ve got to look downward. The humid climate of the area offers favorable conditions for tea trees to grow, which makes the surrounding area of Huangshan one of the major producers of tea. The mountain is also home to numerous hot springs, which are helpful for preventing skin disease. As one of the top tourist destinations in China, Huangshan represents the most popular theme of photographic works and traditional Chinese paintings.
1、安徽 Anhui
2、黄山 Mount Huang 3、风景 landscape, scenery
4、云海 sea of clouds
5、宏伟壮丽 magnificence 6、传统国画 traditional Chinese painting 7、防治 prevention and treatment 8、美景 beautiful scenery
9、湿润的气候 humid climate
10、茶树 tea tree 【拓展词汇】
unique 英 [juːˈniːk]
美 [juˈniːk]
adj. 独一无二的;罕见的;独特的 Each person"s signature is unique.
英 [ˈfæsɪˌneɪt]
美 [ˈfæsəˌneɪt]
v. 使着迷,使感兴趣;慑住…使动弹不得;入迷 Anthropology has always fascinated me.
traditional 英 [trəˈdɪʃənəl]
美 [trəˈdɪʃənəl]
adj. 传统的,惯例的;因袭的 We"re hoping to hear some traditional Indian music.
numerous 英 [ˈnjuːmərəs]
美 [ˈnumərəs]
adj. 众多的;许多的;数不清的 I understand there have been numerous problems with your holiday arrangements.
landscape 英 [ˈlændˌskeɪp]
美 [ˈlændˌskeɪp]
n. 风景,景色;风景画 v. 美化…景观;从事景观美化工作 popular 英 [ˈpɒpjʊlə]
美 [ˈpɑpjələr]
adj. 流行的;受欢迎的;通俗的;大众的,普及的 These delicious pastries will be very popular.
theme 英 [θiː m]
美 [θim]
n. 主题,核心;主旋律 The Sports Cafe is, in truth, no more than a theme restaurant.
favorable 英 [ˈfeɪvərəbl; ˈfeɪvrəbl]
美 [ˈfeɪvərəbəl]
adj. 赞同的;称赞的;有利的,顺利的,适合的;讨人喜欢的 appreciate 英 [əˈpriː ʃɪˌeɪt]
美 [əˈpriʃiˌeɪt]
v. 感激;欣赏,鉴别;了解;增值 I appreciate your help.
scenery 英 [ˈsiː nərɪ]
美 [ˈsinəri]
n. 风景;舞台布景 Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery.
四级翻译真题及答案(8 2018 年 年 6 6 月)
In the past, it was beyond imagination for most Chinese to take a plane when traveling. Nowadays, with the development of economy and the improvement of life, an increasing number of Chinese including farmers and migrant workers could afford to take a plane. They can go to all large cities by plane. Besides, many cities are planning to build airports. The aviation service has been improved, and there are often plane tickets at bargain prices. In recent years, the number of people who travel by air in holidays has been increasing all the time. 【翻译讲解】
1、乘飞机:take a plane 2、难以想象:beyond imagination 3、越来越多的中国人:more and more Chinese 4、筹建:plan to build 5、航空服务:aviation service 6、特价机票:plane tickets at bargain prices
英 [ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃən]
美 [ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃən]
n. 想象力;空想;想象;幻想物 He had a logical mind, and little imagination.
The bus used to be the main transportation vehicle that Chinese chose when going out. In recent years, the traffic problems in cities have been growingly serious, because private cars have increased a lot. In order to encourage more citizens to take buses, many cities have been making efforts to improve the service level of buses. The facilities of buses have been updated; the speed of buses has been raised remarkably. However, the ticket price of buses still remains
quite low. Nowadays, in most cities, many local senior citizens could ride buses for free. 【翻译讲解】
1、交通工具:transportation vehicles 2、私家车:private cars 3、乘坐公交车:take buses 4、努力:make efforts 5、改善:improve/promote/increase 6、服务质量:service level/quality 【拓展词汇】
英 [rɪˈmɑː kəbəl]
美 [rɪˈmɑrkəbəl]
adj. 非凡的,值得注意的,显著的,异常的,卓越的 It is quite remarkable that the doctors were so wrong.
In recent years, an increasing number of cities in China have begun to build subways. The development of subways helps reduce traffic jams and air pollution in cities. Subways have advantages of safety, quickness and comfort. A growing number of people choose subways as main transportation vehicles to work or school every day. Nowadays, taking the subway is becoming more and more convenient in China. In some cities, passengers simply use their cards or mobile phones to take the subway. Many local senior citizens can take the subway for free. 【翻译讲解】
1、地铁:subways 2、交通拥堵:traffic jams 或者 traffic congestion 3、安全 safety;快捷:quickness;舒适:comfort 4、交通工具 transportation vehicles 5、便利:conven...
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