时间:2021-10-19 12:26:49 来源:网友投稿
A-60 fire door A-60 级防火门(A-60 ji fang huo men)
a-hundred-year return period 白 年_遇 (bai nian yi yu)
abrasive (喷砂用的)磨料((pen sha yong de)mo liao)
abrasive paper
AC generator
AC motor
砂纸(sha zhi)
交流发电机(jiao liu fa dian ji)
交流电动机(jiao liu dian dong ji)
accelerated corrosion testing 加速腐蚀试验(jia su fu shi shi
acceptance criteria
合格准贝!J (he ge zhun ze)
access hole (for welding)
=cope hole
焊接T艺孔(han jie gong yi kong)
accommodation and power platform (APP) 生活动力平台(sheng huo dong li
ping tai)
according to =in accordance with =in line with =as per =in the light of 按照(an zhao)
acetylene gas acid electrode acid proof cement additive adhere to adherence to adjacent columns
乙烘(yi que)
酸性焊条(suan xing han tiao) 防酸水泥(fang suan shui ni)
添加剂(tian jiaji)
遵守(动词)(zun shou(dong ci)) 遵守(名词)(zun shou(ming ci))
相临立柱(xiang lin li zhu)
adverse combination of loads 荷载的不利组合(he zai de bu li
zu he)
adverse condition aeronautical radio dian xi tong)
不利条件(bu li tiao jian)
system 航空无线电系统(hang kong wu xian
AFC (approved for construction) 建造扌比准(jian zao pi zhun)
aforementioned aft winch agitator air blower air compressor air drive pump
上述的(shang shu de)
船娓绞车(chuan wei jiao che) 搅拌器(jiao ban qi)
鼓风机(gu feng ji)
空压机(kong yaji)
气动泵(qi dong beng)
air hoister 气动绞车(qi dong jiao che)
air manifold air tight test air-hose
气包(qi bao)
气密性试验(qi mi xing shi yan) 风带(feng dai)
航空障碍灯(hang kong zhang许用应力(xu yong ying li) 铝合金阳极(lv he jin yangji)铝锭(lv ding)
航空障碍灯(hang kong zhang
许用应力(xu yong ying li) 铝合金阳极(lv he jin yangji)
铝锭(lv ding)
银粉漆(yin fen qi)
铝皮(lv pi)
环境气温(huan jing qi wen) 环境温度(huan jing wen du)
地锚块(di mao kuai)
地脚螺栓(di jiao mao kuai)
锚地(mao kuai)
锚桩(mao zhuang)
涂装表面的粗糙度(tu zhuang biao mian
锚架(mao jia)
锚泊浮筒(mao bo fu tong)
入射角(ru she jiao) 折射角(zhe she jiao)
超声波斜射探伤(chao sheng bo xie
角钢(jiao gang) 角阀(jiao fa ) 阳极芯子(yang ji xin zi) geometry 阳极端面儿何形状(yangji duan mian ji he
阳极寿命(yangji shou ming) 阳极电位(yangji dian wei) post
支架式阳极的立柱(zhi jia shi
阳极电阻(yangji de dian zu) 防静电地板(fang jing dian di ban) 防锈漆(fang xiu qi) 防污染措施(fang wu ran cuo shi)
API规定的要求(API gui ding
aircraft obstruction beacon ai deng) alarm buzzer 报警蜂鸣器 (bao jing feng ming qi)
alarm horn 报警喇叭 (bao jing la ba)
aliphatic polyurethane 脂肪族聚氨酯漆(zhi fang zu ju an zhi qi) allowable (working) stress Aluminum alloy anode Aluminum ingot aluminum paint aluminum sheet ambient air temperature ambient temperature anchor block anchor bolt anchor ground anchor pile anchor profile/pattern de cu cao du) anchor rack anchoring buoy angle of incidence angle of reflection angle probe method she tan shang) angle steel angle valve anode core anode end face xing zhuang) anode life anode potential anode stand-off yangji de li zhu) anodic resistance anti-electrostatic floor anticorrosive paint antipollution measures
API specified requirement de yao qiu)
apparent batter 视斜度(shi xie du)
applicable API specification gui fan) approach?departure sector sheng fei ji qi luo shan xing qu) appurtenance =attachment =accessory =auxiliary 附件(fu jian) arc air gouging arc cutting arc strike argon arc welding
API 适用规范(API shi yong
碳弧气创(tan hu qi pao) 电弧切割(dian hu qie ge) 弧击(hu ji) 氮弧焊(ya hu han)
人 丨?岛
人 丨?岛 (ren gong dao) 按照(an zhao)
7L.T.(wan gong)
完T资料(wan gong zi liao) 完丁?图(wan gong tu) 轧制状态(ya zhi zhuang tai) 组装(动词)(zu zhuang(dong ci)) 组装(名词)(zu zhuang(ming ci)) 伴生气(bang sheng qi)
按 A 的意愿(an A de yi yuan)
argon arc welding machine articulated tower mooring system bo xi tong) artificial island as per as-built as-built dossier as-built drawing as-rolled assemble assembly associated gas at the option of A
氮弧焊机(ya hu han ji)
atmospheric diving system =unpressurized diving system 常压潜水系统(chang ya qian
shui xi tong) atmospheric vent attachments auto fire alarm system jing xi tong) automatic spraying system xi tong)
防空管(fang kong guan) 附件(fu jian)
火灾自动报警系统(huo zai zi dong bao
自动喷淋系统(zi tong pen lin
(to be) buttered back chipping back gouging backing weld
(to be) buttered back chipping back gouging backing weld
(焊接的)长肉((han jie de)chang rou) 清根(qing gen)
反面气刨(fan mi an qi pao)
打底焊道(da di han dao)
backpressure regulator (self contained) 背压式调节阀(自力式)(bei ya shi
tiao jie fa)
backwash return pump 反冲洗冋流泵(fan chong xi hui
liu beng)
backwash purge tank backwash tank
Ball hardness
ball valve
反冲洗罐(fan chong xi guan)
反冲洗水罐(fan chong xi shui guan) 布氏硬度(bu shi ying du) 球阀(qiu fa)
(截面较小的)圆钢方钢六角钢等((jie mian jiao xiao de)yuan gang fang gang liu jiao
gang deng) bar chart barge bumper
统计用的柱状图(tongji yong de zhu zhuang tu) 靠船件(kao chuan jian)
barge strength and stability 驳船强度及稳性(bo chuan qian
du ji wen xing)
ban*el (管件的)加厚段((guan jian de)jia hou duan)
base metal 母材,基本金属(mu cai ji ben jin shu)
basic design 基本设计(ji ben she ji)
basic electrode =lime type covered electrode 碱,性焊条 (jian xing han tiao)
battery room 蓄电池间(xu dian chi jian)
blowout preventer system (BOP system) 防喷器系统(fang pen qi xi
tong)beam depthbeam path distance
beam depth
beam path distance
梁高(liang gao)
超声波发射程距(chao sheng bo fa
bending moment bending stress bevelbevel anglebilge /fire pump
bending moment bending stress bevel
bevel angle
bilge /fire pump
liang yong beng) bilge alarm system bid/tender for … blast cleaning
she cheng ju)
bearing strength of the ground 地基承载力(di ji cheng zai li)
bearing stress 支撑应力(zhi cheng ying li)
before welding is initiated 始焊前 (shi han qian)
弯曲应力(wan qu ying li)
坡口(po kou)
坡口面角度(po kou mian jiao du)
beveling/chamfering 开坡口 (kai po kou) bid drawing 招标图纸(zhao biao tu zhi)
舱底污水一消防两用泵(cang di wu shui一xiao fang
污水报警系统(wu shui bao jing xi tong) 投标(tou biao)
喷砂除锈(pen sha chu xiu)
blind flange 盲V去兰(mang fa lan)blind spectacle flange blow count blowdown vessel blowhole; gas pore快速盲法兰(kuai su mang fa lan)
blind flange 盲V去兰(mang fa lan)
blind spectacle flange blow count blowdown vessel blowhole; gas pore
快速盲法兰(kuai su mang fa lan) 打桩的锤击数(da zhuang de chui ji shu )
排放罐(pai fang guan)
FL (qi kong)
blowout preventer stack buoyant turret mooring shi xi tong) boat landing bolt, nut and washer ji dian pian) bolted connection boom boom angle bore hole boss with plug bottom echo
登船平台(deng chuan ping tai)
螺栓,螺母及垫片(luo shuan,luo mu
螺栓连接(luo shuan lian jie)
吊机扒杆(diao ji pa gan)
卅臂倾斜角(diao bi qing xie jiao) 镇孔(cheng kong)
带有丝堵的管座(dai you si du de guan zuo) 底面回声(di mian hui sheng)
坐底式钻井船(zuo di shi zuan
bottom sitting drilling platform jing chuan) boundary condition bow box beam box type joint brace bracelet anode branch member边界条件(bianjie tiaojian) 船艄(chuan shou) 箱形梁(xiang xing liang)
bottom sitting drilling platform jing chuan) boundary condition bow box beam box type joint brace bracelet anode branch member
箱形节点 (xiang xing jie dian) 拉筋(la jin)
手蠲式阳极(shou zhuo shi yang ji) 支杆(zhi gan)
business and management脆性(cui xing)
business and management
脆性(cui xing)
用毛刷涂漆(yong mao shua tu qi)
绑带(bang dai)
球扁钢(qiu bian gang)
组合梁(zu he liang)
隔板,舱壁(ge ban,cang bi)
烧穿(shao chuan)
气焊 T(qi han gong)
E边毛刺(fei bian mao ci)
经营管理(jing ying guan li)
防毒面具(fang du mian ju)
breathing apparatus, respirator bridge 栈桥(zhan qiao)
bridge (overhead) crane brittleness brush coating buckle fastener bulb angle build-up girder bulk head burn through burner burr and flashing
天车吊(tian che diao)
butt-welded seam butterfly valveCcable layer cable rack tray caisson对接焊缝(dui jie han feng)
butt-welded seam butterfly valve
cable layer cable rack tray caisson
敷缆船(fu lan chuan)
电缆托架(dian lan tuo jia)
沉箱(chen xiang)
caisson washing pump caisson-type platform tai) can cantilever beam洗舱泵(chen cang be ng) 沉箱式平台(chen xiang shi ping
caisson washing pump caisson-type platform tai) can cantilever beam
管件的)段((guan jian de)duan)
悬臂梁(xuan bi liang)
cantilever jack-up rig zuan jing chuan) cantilever well module kou ping tai) cap beam capped steel capsizing lever悬臂自升式钻井船(xuan bi zi sheng shi 悬臂式井I I模块(xuan bi shi jing
cantilever jack-up rig zuan jing chuan) cantilever well module kou ping tai) cap beam capped steel capsizing lever
帽梁(mao liang)
半镇静钢(ban zhen jing gang)
倾覆力臂(qing fu li bi)
capsizing moment =overturn moment carbon arc air gouging carbon dioxide cylinder ping) carbon equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2) arc weldingdi an hu han) cargo master system kong xi tong)倾覆力矩
capsizing moment =overturn moment carbon arc air gouging carbon dioxide cylinder ping) carbon equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2) arc welding
di an hu han) cargo master system kong xi tong)
碳弧气刨(tan hu qi pao)
二氧化碳气瓶(er yang hua tan qi 碳当量(tan dang liang)
cargo tank cleaning machine carrier (搬运)小车((ban yun)xiao che)carry out =perform =conduct =execute catenary anchor leg mooring (CALM) cathodic protection cellar deck 底甲板(di jia ban) cellar shutdown panel (CSDP) du an pan) cement grout 水泥浆(shui ni jiang cementing vessel
cargo tank cleaning machine carrier (搬运)小车((ban yun)xiao che)
carry out =perform =conduct =execute catenary anchor leg mooring (CALM) cathodic protection cellar deck 底甲板(di jia ban) cellar shutdown panel (CSDP) du an pan) cement grout 水泥浆(shui ni jiang cementing vessel
进行(jin xing)
悬链锚腿系泊(xuan ling mao tui xi bo) 阴极保护(yin ji bao hu)
井口系统关断盘(jing kou xi tong guan
固井船(gu jing chuan)
center line 中心线(zhong xin xian) center of buoyancy center of floatation center of gravity
center line 中心线(zhong xin xian) center of buoyancy center of floatation center of gravity
center punch 冲子(chong zi) central control room (CCR) central processing platform centrifugal pump centrifuger ceramic fibres ceramic tiles certifying authority chain block chair with arm-rests
漂心(piao xin)
重心(zhong xin xian)
中央控制室(zhong xin kong zhi shi) 中心处理平台(zhong xin chu li ping tai) 离心泵(li xin beng)
离心机(li xin ji)
防火陶棉(fang huo tao mian)
瓷砖(ci zhuan)
第三方检验机构(di san fang jian yan ji gou) 倒链(dao lian)
带扶手的半软椅(dai fu shou de ban
ruan yi)
chamfering 开坡I I(kai po kou)
channel steel 槽钢 (cao gang)
charpy-V notch energy 夏比 V 形缺口 韧性值(xia bi V xing que kou ren
xing zhi)
charpy-V notch impact test 夏比 V 形缺口冲击实验(xia bi V xing que kou chong
ji shi yan)
chart datum 海图基准而(haii tu ji zhun check randomly
check valve 止回阀(zhi hui fa) checkered plate chemical composition chemical injection package chemical injection system
抽检(chou jian )
花纹板(hua wen ban)
化学成分(hua xue cheng fen) 化学注入撬(hua xue zhu ru qiao)
化学药剂注入系统(hua xue yao ji
chiselchord member Christmas tree circumferencecircumferential weldclassification survey clean water injection pump clean water surge tank
chord member Christmas tree circumference
circumferential weld
classification survey clean water injection pump clean water surge tank
环焊缝(huan han feng)
入级检验(ru ji jian yan)
清水注入泵(qing shui zhu ru beng) 清水缓冲罐(qing shui huan chong
zhu ru xi tong)
chemical seal 化学密封(hua xue mi feng) chipping hammer 敲渣锤 (qiao zha chui)
风铲(feng chan) 弦杆(xian gan) 采油树(cai you shu) 周长(zhou chang)
guan) clearance client
间隙(jian xi)
业主,顾客(ye zhu,ge ke)
close drain tank 闭式排放罐(bi shi pai fang guan )
closed /open circuit closed drain pump closed drain tank clustered well heads CO2 cylinder unit CO2 extinguisher coal tar epoxy paint
闭 /开路(bi /kai lu)
闭式排放泵(bi shi pai fang beng) 闭式排放罐(bi shi pai fang guan)
从式井口 (cong shi jing kou)
CO2 气瓶组(CO2qi ping zu)
CO2 灭火器(CO2mi huo qi)
含焦油环氧涂料(han yang you huan
yang tu liao) coaming coating coating interval coefficient
档水扁钢(dang shui bian gang) 涂装(tu zhuang)
涂漆间隔(tu qi jian ge)
系数(xi shu)
cold formed pipe 冷卷管 (leng juan guan) cold shut 冷隔(leng ge)
cold work 冷力I1T (leng jia gong)
collapse ringcolumn 立柱
collapse ring
column 立柱(li zhu) combustible gas detector come-along commercial blast cleaning xiu) commissioning
compile and maintain a document jian)
complete penetration groove weld completion riser complex joint compliance with comply with
composite rockwool ceiling composite rockwool panel concentric reducer conceptual design concrete platform condensate drum
可燃气体探测器(ke ran qi ti tan ce qi)
手搬葫芦(shou ban hu lu)
普通级喷砂除锈(pu tong ji pen sha chu
调试(tiao shi)
编制和保存文件(bian zhi he bao cun wen
全熔透坡丨 I 焊(quan rong tou po kou han)
完井立管(wan jing li guan)
复杂节点(fu za jie dian)
符合(名词)(fu he(ming ci))
符合(动词)(fu he (dong ci))
复合岩棉天花板(fu he yan mian hua ban)
复合岩棉板(fu he yan mian ban) 同心大小头(tong xin da xiao tou ) 概念设计(gai nian she ji)
混凝土平台 (hun ning tu ping tai)
冷凝液罐(leng ning ye guan)
condensing water 冷凝水 (leng ning shui)
conductor 隔水套管(ge shui tao guan)
conductor guide 套管导 向(tao guan dao xiang)
cone 大小 口,锥体(da xiao kou ,zhui ti)
conform to =stick to =adhere to 符:合,遵守(fu he ,zun shou)
connection 节点,连接(jie dianjian jie) consumption rate continuous beam continuous double fillet weld jiao han) continuous welding contract 合同 (he tong han) contraction stress contractor 承包商 (cheng bao shang) control valve (accessories handwheel) fa) control valve assembly coordinates coordination cope hole阳极消耗率(yang ji xiao hao lv)连续梁
connection 节点,连接(jie dianjian jie) consumption rate continuous beam continuous double fillet weld jiao han) continuous welding contract 合同 (he tong han) contraction stress contractor 承包商 (cheng bao shang) control valve (accessories handwheel) fa) control valve assembly coordinates coordination cope hole
阳极消耗率(yang ji xiao hao lv)
连续梁(lian xu liang)
双面连续贴角焊(shuang mian lian xu tie
连续焊(lian xu han)
收缩应力(shou suo ying li)
带手轮的控制阀(dai shou lun de kong zhi
控制阀总成 (kong zhi fa zong chegn) 坐标系(zuo biao xi)
协调(xie tiao)
(焊接)T.艺孔((han jie)gong yi kong)
纠正和预防措施(jiu zheng he yu fang cuo
corrective and preventive action shi) correlation curve corrosion allowance corrosion coupon corrosion protection corrugated plate interceptor couplant coupling crack
相关曲线(xiang guan qu xian) 腐蚀余量(fu shi yu liang) 腐蚀片(fu shi pian) 防腐(fang fu) 斜板分离器(xie ban fen li qi)
crane barge, crane vessel crane support crater
UT 用的耦合剂(UTyongdeouheji) 连轴器,管箍(lian zhou qi,guan za) 裂纹(lie wen)
起重船(qi zhong chuan)
吊机支撑(diao ji zhi cheng)
crawler crane criteria cross angle cross section crow bar
cruciform bollard
焊口 (han kou )
履带吊车(lv dai diao che)
(验收)标准((yan shou)biao zhun) 交叉角(jiao cha jiao)
横截面(heng jie mian) 撬杠(qiao gang)
单十字带缆柱(dan shi zi dai lan zhu)
crude cooler 原油冷去卩器 (yuan you leng que qi)
crude filter 原油过滤器(yuan you guo lv qi)
crude heat exchanger
原油换热器(yuan you huan re qi)
crude loading/export pump
原油外输泵(yuan you wai shu beng )
crude loading pump
原油装载泵(yuan you zhuang zai beng)
crude oil drain tank
原油排放舱(yuan you pai fang cang)
crude preheat exchanger
原油预热器(yuan you yu re qi)
crude suction strainer
原油吸入滤器(yuan you xi ru lv qi)
crude transfer pump
原油输送泵(yuan you shu song beng)
cup support 垫墩 (dian dun)
curing time (油漆的)固化时间((you qi de)gu hua shi jian)
current capacity
(阳极的)电流容量((yang ji de)dian liu
rong liang)
current density
(阳极的)电流密度((yang ji de)dian liu mi
current direction
海流方向(hai liu fang xiang)
curvature radius
曲率半径(qu lv ban jing)
customer (试比较 purchaser 需方)
(ke hu (qian he tong hou.ke hu bian xu fang))
cut by torch
以火焰切割(yi huo yan qie ge)
cut off 割除,割除物(ge chu ,ge chu wu)
cutoff allowance
切割裕量(qie ge yu liang)
cutting plan
排板图(pai ban tu)
cutting sheet
单件图(dan jian tu)
(in) duplicate
一式两份(yi shi liang fen)
(to) drive piles
打桩(da zhuan)
DAC curves
距离一振幅曲线(juli — zhen fu qu xian)
daily diesel filter
日用柴油滤器(ri yong chai you lv qi)
damage-prone connection
易破坏的节点(yi po huai de jie dian)
damper, dampener
减振器(jian zhen qi)
DC generator
直流发电机(zhi liu fa dian ji)
Decibel (dB)
分贝(fen bei)
deck beam
甲板梁(jia ban liang)
deck cover
板敷料(ban fu liao)
deck crane
甲板吊机(jia ban diao ji)
deck floor plate
甲板板(jia ban ban)
deck water seal unit
甲板水封装置(jia ban shui feng zhuang zhi)
deep freeze compressor deepwater jacket defeat /default /disconnection deflection dehydration degassing vessel dehydration preheater dehydrator feed pump delivery of materials derrick barge chuan) desander 除砂罐(chu sha guan) design basis design parameters detail
deep freeze compressor deepwater jacket defeat /default /disconnection deflection dehydration degassing vessel dehydration preheater dehydrator feed pump delivery of materials derrick barge chuan) desander 除砂罐(chu sha guan) design basis design parameters detail 详图(xiang tu )
detail design develop /establish a document dew point
DFT (dry film thickness) diagonal brace dial gauge diaphragm diaphragm valve die stamp diesel daily tank diesel filter coalescer zhuang zhi) diesel generator set diesel oil daily tank with heater guan(dai jia re qi)) diesel pump diesel storage tank diesel storage tank with heater jia re qi)) diesel tank diesel transfer pump differential pressure control valve diffuser 布风器(bu feng qi) dihedral angle dimensional checks
深水导管架(shen shui dao guan jia)
缺陷(que xian)
挠度(nai du)
脱水除气器(tuo shui chu qi qi)
脱水预热器(tuo shui yu re qi)
电脱水供给泵(dian tuo shui gongji beng) 材料交货(xai liao jiao huo)
回转式起重船(hui zhuan shi qi zhong
设计基准(she ji ji zhun)
设计参数(she ji can shu)
详细设计(xiang xi she ji)
编制文件(bian zhi wen jian)
露点(lu dian)
T 膜厚度(gan mo hou du)
斜拉筋(xie lajin)
百分表(bai fen biao)
隔板(ge ban)
隔膜阀(ge mo fa)
钢印(gang yin)
柴油日用罐(chai you ri yong guan)
柴油过滤净化装置(chai you guo lv jing hua
柴油发电机组(chai you fa dian ji zu)
柴油日用罐(带加热器)(chai you ri yong
柴油泵(chai you beng)
柴油储罐(chai you chu guan)
柴油储罐(带加热器)(chai you chu guan(dai
柴油罐(chai you guan)
柴油输送泵(chai you shu song beng) 差压控制阀(cha ya kong zhi fa)
二面角 (er mi an jiao)
尺寸检验(chi cun jian yan)
direct /alternating cuiTent arc welding direct current emergency supply disassembling discontinuity displacement oil tank distortion from welding distress signals diver 潜力C员 (qian shui yuan)
直/交流电弧焊(zhi/jiao liu dian hu han) 直流应急电源(zhi liu ying ji dian yuan) 拆除(chai chu)
缺陷(que xian)
置换油罐(chi huan you guan)
焊接变形(han jie bian xing)
遇险呼救信号(yu xian hu jiu xin hao)
diver support vessel document approval and issue
潜水作业船(qian shui zuo ye chuan)
文件的批准和下发(wen jian de pi zhun
he xia fa) documentation
文件编制(wen jian bian zhi)
dog 组装用的刀把(zu zhuan yong de dao ba)
dolphin 系缆柱(ji lan zhu)
domestic sea water pump double agent facility
生活海水泵(sheng huo hai shui beng) 双介质灭火装置(shuang jie zhi mi huo
zhuang zhi)
double bed 双层床 (shuang ceng chuan)
double bevel groove
double bollard
double groove double probe method double V groove
K 形坡口 (K xing po kou)
双柱带缆柱(shuang zhu dai lan zhu) 双面坡 11 (shuang mian po kou) 双探头法(shuang tan tou fa)
双面 V 形坡 U(X 形坡 U) (shuang mian V xing po kou(X xing
po kou))
double plate
down hill welding drain pit 排放池(pai fang chi)
垫板,包板(dian ban ,bao ban) 下向焊(xia xiang han)
draught gauge
drawing and specification shu)
drawing types
吃水标尺(chi shui biao chi)
图纸及技术规格书(tu zhi ji ji shu gui ge
图纸种类(tu zhi zhong lei)
图纸种类有(tu zhi zhong lei you) conceptual drawing basic drawing bid drawing design drawing fabrication drawing shop drawing
概念图纸(gai nian tu zhi) 基本设计图(ji ben she ji tu) 招标图纸(zhao biao tu zhi) 详细设计图(xiang xi she ji tu) 加T.设计图(jia gong she ji tu) 车间加丁?图(che jian jia gong tu)
drill 钻头(zuan tou) drilling module drilling platform drilling template drillship, drilling ship driving voltage dry chemical extinguisher dry-type tree dryer 烘箱(hong xiang) during the course of fabrication during the life of structures dye penetrant inspection dynamic-positioning rig chuan)
as-built drawing 完 丨?图 (wan gong tu)
dredger 挖泥船(wa ni chuan)
drift pin 心轴,销子 (xin zhou ,xiao zi)
drift test 管流试验,管线试通(guan liu shi yan.guan xian shi tong)
钻井模块(zuan jing mo kuai) 钻井平台(zuan jing ping tai) 钻井基盘(zuan jing ji pan) 浮式钻井船(fu shi zuan jing chuan) 驱动电压(qu dong dian ya) T 粉灭火器(gan fen mi huo qi) 干式采油树(gan shi cai you shu)
在制造过程中(zai zhi zao guo cheng zhong) 结构寿命期间(jie gou shou mi ng qi jian) 着色检验(zhuo se jian yan)
动力定位钻井船(dong li ding wei zuan jing
earth lead 地线(di xian) eccentric reducer echo height edge crimping edge preparation effective throat thickness elbow 弯头(wan tou) electric dehydrator electric desalter electric drill electric heater electric submersible pump electric-hydraulic valve electrical connection electro-slag welding electrochemical property electrode 电焊条(dian han tiao) electrode covering electrode holder
偏心大小头(pian xian da xiao tou)
回波高度(hui bo gao du)
(卷管的)压头((juan guan de )ya tou) 坡口加 T.(po kou jia gong)
焊缝计算厚度(han feng ji suan hou du )
电脱水器(dian tou shui qi)
电脱盐器(dian tuo yan qi)
手电钻(shou dian zuan)
电加热器(dian jia re qi)
电潜泵(dian qian beng)
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