时间:2021-10-24 12:31:20 来源:网友投稿
题 目
摘 要 很多的单位才组成了风电建设,而在这众多的单位中,风电场的建设占据了一个十分重要的位置,因为其有着不可替代的作用,对其的管理能够使建设更加的迅速,也不会带来过多的资源浪费,更不可忽视的就是其节省了大量的人力、物力以及财力。这类的项目有着它独特的地方,这类工程占地范围比较广,要多次的变换建筑地点;它的风机散步在很多的地方,要检查并且修理的路段也很多;而且这类的建设很大程度上约束了工程的期限。恰当的协调各种设备、方案以及建筑工作人之间的工作,让各个部门能够协调有序的施工建筑。
II Abstract Wind farm construction management is to guide the wind farm project construction important management work, is a wind power construction business department, not only guarantee the wind farm construction high efficiency, low cost. But also to strengthen management, improve the economic efficiency of construction enterprises an important means. The construction of wind farm has its own characteristics: large construction area, large construction points and frequent mobile construction, especially large-scale hoisting equipment. The distribution of wind turbines is extensive and the road needs to be repaired. The construction is complicated and the construction area is complicated. In the windy area, the installation of large-scale tower and blades, cabin installation requirements are higher; In addition, the wind farm construction has a more stringent restrictions on the duration, therefore, in the project implementation process to introduce the project schedule management means, reasonable and reasonable arrangements, To ensure that the project can meet the time constraints under the premise of economic rationality. By appropriately dealing with the contradiction between management and production, the rational and rational planning, the orderly and balanced organization of the construction of the project, the construction, the installation and the installation, the supply and the supply, the supply and the supply of the equipment, the machinery, the material, the method, the environment, the technology and the equipment produce. This paper introduces the project management theory and applies the following research methods to carry out construction management research: 1) project schedule analysis; 2) project quality control; 3) project cost control; 4) project quality requirements in the various stages of quality control difficult research. Project project is related to the implementation of the project design and implementation of the organization and management of the study, that is, through the feasibility study of the proposed project research and feasibility study, on the basis of the project implementation of the optimal implementation of the program, while providing a reasonable, Scientific construction program for construction. In this paper, the following wind farm project Huaneng Huailai to study the key content of the project: (1) Huaneng Huailai wind farm project construction conditions analysis. Analysis and wind energy resources, unit selection, wind farm location evaluation of geological conditions. (2) to study the organization and management of the construction of a wind farm project, a Huainaihuai wind farm. Construction project management organization and progress management of the key research
III projects are construction quality management and cost management. (3) studied how to apply the project management method to make the quality, safety and cost effectively balance and play an active role under the premise of guaranteeing the construction period. This paper aims to study and solve the specific problems by studying the application of project management theory in the project management of wind farm construction projects and combining with the concrete practical work conditions. In order to improve the domestic engineering management company or the construction unit management level, especially the wind farm construction management level to provide some theoretical research material. Key words :Construction organization, project management, planning management
目 录 第 1 章 绪论 ................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景 .......................................................... 1 1.2 研究意义 .......................................................... 2 1.3 主要研究内容和研究方法 ............................................ 3
第 2 章 华能怀来风电场项目施工管理概述
...................................................................... 4
2.1 怀来风场施工条件分析以及问题 ...................................... 4 2.2 怀来风场项目施工管理的必要性 ...................................... 7 第 3 章 华能怀来风电场项目施工计划策略
...................................................................... 9
3.1 怀来风电场项目概述及项目总体目标 .................................. 9
3.2 施工进度管理 ...................................................... 9 3.2.1 施工总进度计划 ............................................... 9 3.2.2 施工进度计划控制方法 ........................................ 10 3.2.3 施工进度控制的措施 .......................................... 10 3.3 施工质量管理 ..................................................... 11 3.3.1 质量管理组织结构 ............................................ 11 3.3.2 质量目标 .................................................... 11 3.3.3 质量保证措施 ................................. 错误! ! 未定义书签。
3.4 怀来风电场项目施工控制的重点、难点及采取的相应措施 ............... 11 3.4.1 风场内道路 .................................................. 11 3.4.2 天气影响 .................................................... 11 3.4.3 大体积混凝土施工 ............................. 错误! ! 未定义书签。
第 4 章 华能怀来风电场项目管理组织具体实施
.......................................................... 13
4.1 施工阶段项目进度控制 ............................................. 13 4.1.1 项目建设进度分析 ............................................ 13 4.1.2 项目建设进度控制的方案 ...................................... 14
4.2 施工阶段质量目标控制的措施 ....................................... 15 4.2.1 施工的质量控制 .............................................. 15 4.2.2 项目的质量控制难点 .......................................... 17 4.3 项目建设中质量控制的方案及措施 ................................... 18 第 5 章 总 结
...................................................................................................................................... 21
................................................................................................................................................. 22
...................................................................................................................................................... 23
1 第 1 章 绪论 1.1 研究背景 随着科学技术的进步和相关,人们需求的发展,国家对于环境污染治理力度也是不断加,但是,就我国目前的发展情况而言我国的发现主要是依赖于火力发电,因为我国,地大物博,有很广阔的,煤炭资源,但是随着,相关方面的发展,使得我国火力发电造成的污染治理等方面存在很大的不足,国家为了发展可持续经济,为了给子孙后代能够留下一片青山绿水,对于这方面的制度和治理制度不断发展,为了适应当前的温室,发展的情况,国家对于风能发电的污染发表项目的支持,在不断加大,因为风力发电,消耗的是自然自然风的,所以对于环境。没有什么大的影响,写真项目的建立能够带动相关地区,原结构的优化和升级,对于当地经济的发展,产生一定的促进作用。
根据张家口《怀来县“十二·五”电力发展规划》由于当地的经济发展建设增长很快,用电负荷呈现快速增长状态。截止到 2013 年底,全县拥有 220 千伏变电站 1 座、110千伏变电站 4 座,负责运行维护 35 千伏变电站 10 座。35 千伏线路 22 条、190.823 千米;10 千伏线路 69 条、1451.589 千米;10 千伏配电变压器 3215 台,总容量 465429.2 千伏安;低压配电线路 547 条、623.8544 千米,2013 年怀来县市全社会用电量 10. 45 亿 kWh,网供电量 8.8 亿 kWh,全社会最高用电负荷为 438MW,网供最高负荷为 378MW。华能怀来风电场一期工程的建设每年可为电网提供清洁电量 2489. 8 万 kWh,从而提高当地电网的供电能力,减缓电力紧张局面,促进和带动当地的经济发展。
根据怀来县“十二五”电力发展规划预测,至 2015 年全社会用电量达 23. 32 亿 kWh最大负荷达 59. 73 万 kWh。到 2020 年,全社会用电量达 52. 47 亿 kWh,最大负荷达 82. 98万 kWh,用电缺口较大。
华能怀来风电场一期工程场址位于怀来县境内,怀来县地处河北省西北部,东邻北京,西接张晋蒙,位于东经 115 度 16 分~115 度 58 分,北纬 40 度 4 分~40 度 35 分,总面积 1801km²。华能怀来风电场总装机容量 9 万 KW,其中安装 27 台单机容量 1.5MW风电机组,总容量 4.05 万 KW,单台风电机组输出电压 620V,经 35/0.62kV 箱式变压器升压至 35kV;安装 16 台单机容量 2.0MW 风机,7 台单机容量 2.5MW 风机,总容量 4.95万 KW,单台发电机组出口电压 690V,经 35/0.69kV 箱式变压器升压至 35kV。所有风机经 35kV 集电线路汇集后送至风电场升压站 35kV 母线,一期 27 风机接于 35kV5#母线,二期 23 台风机接于 35kV4#母线,分别经 1#、2#主变升压到 110kV 母线后,由东虎线送入 110kV 沙东站。35kV 集电线路为架空线路和地埋电缆相结合的方式,共有四回,分
2 别为#1 风机线、#2 风机线、#4 风机线和#5 风机线,#1 风机线带有 001—013、027 共14 台风机,#2 风机线带有 014—026 共 13 台风机,#4 风机线带 028—039 共 12 台风机,#5 风机线带 039—050 共 11 台风机。
1.2 研究意义 随着人类社会的不断发展,对于资源的依赖也越来越大,是之前的发电组成结构对于煤炭等相关资源的损耗是很大的,考虑到地球自然资源的相关状况,各国对于自身自...