时间:2021-11-05 12:00:19 来源:网友投稿
Soluti ons Manual to Accompa ny
Statistics for Busin ess
and Econo mics
Eighth Editi on
David R. An ders on
Uni versity of Cincinn ati
Dennis J. Swee ney
Uni versity of Cincinn ati
Thomas A. Williams
Rochester In stitute of Tech no logy
2002 by South-Western/Thomso n Learni ng
Cincinn ati, Ohio
Data and Statistics
Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Approaches
Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods
Introduction to Probability
Discrete Probability Distributions
Continuous Probability Distributions
Sampling and Sampling Distributions
Interval Estimation
Hypothesis Testing
Statistical Inference about Means and Proportions With Two Populations
Inferences about Population Variances
Tests of Goodness of Fit and Independence
Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Regression
Regression Analysis: Model Building
Index Numbers
Nonparametric Methods
Statistical Methods for Quality Control
The purpose ofStatistics for Business and Economicsis to provide students, primarily in the fields of business administration and economics, with a sound conceptual introduction to the field of statistics and its many applications. The text is applications-oriented and has been written with the needs of the nonmathematician in mind.
The solutions manual furnishes assistance by identifying learning objectives and providing detailed solutions for all exercises in the text.
We would like to provide special recognition to Catherine J. Williams for her efforts in preparing the solutions manual.
David R. Anderson
Dennis J. Sweeney
Thomas A. Williams
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