时间:2023-02-07 18:05:04 来源:网友投稿
新GRE数学考试有哪些重要考点1 IntersectionofSets Intersectionoftwosetsisanothersetwithonlythemembersthatareinb下面是小编为大家整理的2023新GRE数学考试有哪些重要考点,菁选2篇(2023年),供大家参考。
Intersection of Sets
Intersection of two sets is another set with only the members that are in both sets. If the two sets do not share any common member, the intersection is the empty set with no member.
Intersection of {1,2,3} and {2,3,5} is the set {2,3}.
Intersection of the set with all primes and the set with all even numbers is the set {2} since only 2 is both even and prime.
Intersection of {1,2,3} and {4,5,6} is the empty set {}.
Intersection contains only the common members.
Two sets are disjoint if they have no member in common, that is they have an empty intersection.
Union of Sets
Union of two sets is another set with all the members from both sets.
Union of {2,3,5} and {1,3,4} is the set {1,2,3,4,5}.
Union of {1,2,1} and {1,2} is the set {1,2,1}.
The common members do not repeat in the union.
1. n个数从小到大排列,求(n-1)/4,设商为i,余数为j ,则可求得1st Quartile为:(第i+1个数)*(4-j)/4+(第i+2个数)*j/4
2. 4个*,2个·的排列方式 15(=)
3 .5双袜子,同时去2只,刚好配对的概率。1/9
4. 40人说French,60人说Russian,80人说Italy,说两种语言的有50人,说三种语言的有 10人. 共有125人,问不说这些语言的`有几人。Key:125-(40+60+80-50-10*2)=15
5 .等腰直角三角形边长2加2倍根号2,求面积。
6. 某种溶液浓度为125gram per liter, 转换成 ounce per gallon,求表达式.已知 1 ounce=28.**x gram and 1
gallon=3.875 liter
7. x,y,z 均方差为d, 求x+10,y+10,z+10的均方差 (d)
8. 1的概率是0.8,2的概率是0,6,问是1或是2或是both的概率,1-0.6*0.8(数字瞎编)=0.92.
9. 还有一组测量数据中,12.1比mean低1.5个标准差,17.5比mean高3.0个标准方差.问mean是多少.13.9(设标准差为X 12.1+1.5X=M,17.5-3X=M)
10. 图表题,1992年总和是50,96年是60,每年至少增长1,问最大的年增长:7.0
推荐访问:考点 数学 考试 新GRE数学考试有哪些重要考点 菁选2篇 新gre数学考试有哪些重要考点1
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