
时间:2023-02-15 11:45:33  来源:网友投稿

托福考试写作真题解析1  内容回忆  阅读:已灭绝的大鸟Argentis不会飞。  1.翅膀太大,起飞困难。  2.肌肉无力,无法持久飞行。  3.没有天敌,没有飞行的必要。  听力:这种鸟其实会飞下面是小编为大家整理的2023托福考试写作真题解析,供大家参考。





  1. 翅膀太大,起飞困难。

  2. 肌肉无力,无法持久飞行。

  3. 没有天敌,没有飞行的必要。


  1. 可采取起跑飞行的方式,从一个小山坡滑翔然后起飞。

  2. 骨骼适合飞行,且可不扑扇翅膀,利用空气热动力持续飞行。

  3. 以动物腐尸为生,所以必须长距离飞行寻找食物,因而为了求生,有飞行的必要。


  The passage argues the large bird named Argentis which has been extinct is unable to fly. However, the lecturer in the listening part holds a very different opinion. He claims that the bird has the ability to fly actually.

  First, the writer thinks its wingspan was too long for it to lift off. The lecturer refutes it by saying that the bird could adopt a method named running start by running down a hill and take off.

  Second, about the point that the bird’s muscle was so weak that it is impossible for it to fly continuously, the lecturer insists that it could keep flying without flapping its wings. Instead, it could take advantage of the thermal gas in the air. Actually, this phenomenon can be seen among many existing huge birds.

  Last but not the least, according to the writer, there was no need for the bird to fly because it lacked predators. The lecturer claims that it had to fly in that it was fed on dead animals which were not that easy to find unless it cover large areas. Therefore, flying was crucial to its survival. (189 words)

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