时间:2023-03-18 19:15:08 来源:网友投稿
毕业论文致谢英语1 Acknowledgements: ThewritingofaPhDdissertationisnotaneasytask,especiallyforsomeonewhoha下面是小编为大家整理的毕业论文致谢,英语,荟萃2篇【通用文档】,供大家参考。
毕业论文致谢 英语1
The writing of a PhD dissertation is not an easy task, especially for someone whohas just begun her academic journey. During the evolution of this dissertation. I amdee* indebted to a number of people who have guided and supported me in manyways.
I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my research supervisor. ProfessorShen Li for her sincere and selfless support, prompt and useful advice during myresearch. She gives me a lifetime unforgettable memory of her benevolence, patience,intelligence,diligence and erudition.
My gratitude also goes to Professor Chu Xiaoquan, Qu Weiguo and Shen Yuan ofthe Department of English, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, FudanUniversity. They gave me substantial suggestions for the refinement of thisdissertation during my pre-oral defense.
I would also like to thank Professor Zhang Chunbai of the College of ForeignLanguages, East China Normal University. Professor Huang Guowen of the Collegeof Foreign Languages, Zhongshan University and Professor Wang Tongshun of theCollege of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University, for careful review ofmy dissertation and their valuable comments.
I would like to extend my special thanks to Professor Wu Zhongwei ofInternational Cultural Exchange School. Fudan University. Being my supervisorduring the MA studies, he awakened my interest in SLA and TCSOL in particular. Thesame gratitude also goes to Professor Chen Liangmin of the Department of French,College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University. He introduced me theelegance of the French language which I chose as my major for bachelor"s study and Iwould never forget what I have learnt from him.
My special thanks also go to my mentor Professor Shen Xiaoxiao ofInternational Cultural Exchange School. Fudan University. He provided metremendous guidance and support for my administrative work as master students"counselor and built a perfect model of a teacher, an advisor and a leader.
I am also grateful to Mme Zhang Shiyu" Li Lin. Shen Anyi and He Shijin fortheir spiritual support during my project. I am always indebted to the encouragementsthey gave me.
Lastly and most importantly. I would like to acknowledge the endless support,encouragement patience and understanding of my family. They gave me the incentiveto do this work and have put up unquestioningly with the difficult person that I hadbecome in the last few critical months of finalizing this dissertation. I love themforever.
毕业论文致谢 英语2
I would like to grant oceans of thanks to all my respected teachers and friendswho have offered me cordial assistance during the two and a half years.
First and foremost, I owe a special debt of gratitude to my respected supervisorProfessor Li Changbao, for his patient guidance, insightful suggestions and constantencouragement through the whole process of my thesis. Without his inspiringinstructions and invaluable suggestions, it would really be a difficult task for me tocomplete this thesis by myself.
Special thanks should also go to all the excellent professors who have taught mein this university over the past two years, for leading me into the field of researchwork, and giving me tremendous inspiration, courage and confidence during my studyhere. Their insightful lectures have made my study delightful and enjoyable.
Finally, I am also dee* indebted to all my family members and friends for theirencouragement which inspires me every time when I have no motivation to continue.
I must mention all my roommates, who give me a comfortable atmosphere to studyand do me a lot of favor when I need help.
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