时间:2023-04-14 09:50:08 来源:网友投稿
中医药相关英语六级翻译练习1 *劳动人民几千年来在与疾病作斗争的过程中,通过实践,不断认识,逐渐积累了丰富的医药知识。由于太古时期文字未兴,这些知识只能依靠师承口授,后来有了文字,便逐渐记录下来,下面是小编为大家整理的中医药相关英语六级翻译练习3篇(全文完整),供大家参考。
During thousands of years of struggling with diseases, the Chinese working people gradually accumulated abundant knowledge of medicine through practice and constant learning. Since there were no characters in remote antiquity, such knowledge was passed on through oral instruction only. After the appearance of characters, the knowledge was gradually recorded down, and then medical books appeared. These books summerized the experience of the predecessors and made it easy to spread and promote the experience. Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years. It is an extremely abundant summary of experience of Chinese people’s long-term struggle with diseases, which has made great contribution to the prosperity of the Chinese nation.
推荐访问:中医药 英语六级 翻译 中医药相关英语六级翻译练习3篇 中医药相关英语六级翻译练习1 关于中医药的英语翻译四六级 中医英语翻译题 中医四级翻译题